“You know, you really shouldn’t say that,” Duff, the first LGBT superhero, no matter what Marvel says, interrupts. ( Watch it here.) The spot features Duff clothes shopping and overhearing two girls trying on clothes. Let us never forget when Hilary Duff told us it’s not cool to call things “gay” as an insult.īack in 2008, the community’s one true ally, Lizzie Maguire, filmed a PSA for the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) campaign to eradicate the phrase “that’s so gay” from casual conversation. That is all to say there is exactly one piece of inspiring LGBT content that matters to me, and, like many queer millennials, I revisit it fondly once a year. Let me drink my roadie of vodka soda, dance to a cacophony of Lady Gaga songs booming from various speakers, and get sunburned while scrolling through thirst traps in peace, as the revolutionists intended. Listen, I would rather weigh in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than get embroiled in the annual, insufferable discourse about the cynical commercialization of Pride Month, the brief tokenization of visibility, and who, what, and how much leather bondage belongs at marches and parades.